Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be.... #2

Okay, I'll be honest.

I'm a pretty bad secret-keeper.

I've been this way all of my life - if you tell me something (or I manage to find out about something), it's going to be very difficult to keep it to myself. I'm cursed with 'verbal vomit', as I like to call it, where if it's in my head then it's probably going to come out of my mouth. I've created many an uncomfortable situation this way, but no matter how hard I try it just won't stop.

So it's natural that the moment I find out I'll be writing this blog I start thinking about who I can tell. And of course, I've let the cat out of the bag to a few select people. I literally cannot help it. One moment I'm talking about watching rereuns of
America's Next Top Model, and the next moment I'm spilling out "So, I'm a professional blogger now..." One of the downfalls of doing this job search journal is the extra anxiety I feel. I mean, I can't be the Loser Blogger that never gets a job and becomes the laughingstock of student affairs. I have to be the Super Awesome Blogger that gets the Wonderful Job and does plenty of amazing things. The positive element is that this is just going to make me even more organized and goal-oriented. I'm one of those really odd individuals that is fueled by stress and anxiety - as much as it makes me absolutely nuts, it also makes me get my butt in gear.

That being said, I'm working hard to get ahead in my classwork and leave myself enough time to work on cover letters and resumes. We're up to 8 jobs applied for, with a ginormous stack of job descriptions I need to go through and make decisions on. I'm rocking out a spreadsheet and numerous folders on my jumpdrive with all of the pertinent information on the jobs I'm applying for. I'm considering buying a filing case so I can organize in hard copy instead of using my "I'll just paperclip this all together" method I'm currently using. Not only has job searching made me more organized, it's also letting me indulge my love of office supplies.

While my job searching writing pal seems to be fielding resume discussion in his neck of the woods, over in my Higher Ed Land it is quiet. Eerily quiet. So quiet, in fact, that no one is really discussing anything. No talk of jobs that we like, jobs that we hate, perfect jobs, or jobs that we're completely not qualified for but apply anyway. Granted, I'm in a position where I don't come in a lot of contact with my fellow 2nd years, but nothing is even floating down the grapevine. Either we've all independently decided to take a vow of secrecy, or no one's really looking yet. I find the latter to be hard to believe, especially with conferences coming up. It's kinda nice to attend class without discussion of The Search, but I'm sure soon enough that will all change. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Meanwhile I'll be spending the next few days working on getting my own resume a little more up-to-date and ready to send off to a few more sites. While having three areas of student affairs in mind during the job search is great and definitely gives me a broad search, it also makes life difficult when it comes time to write the resumes and cover letters. Trying to come up with three separate template resumes and three separate template cover letters is time consuming, and this last area I'm looking in is seeming to be the hurdle I just can't get over. I need to get crackin' on it if I want to have any sort of chance at scoring one of these jobs.

Of course, none of that will even happen if I'm not able to clear enough desk space to actually work. Whoops. Too bad my assistantship stipend doesn't let me afford a maid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Blogging Buddy,
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one struggling a bit during this time. I also am having a hard time not telling anyone (okay, I told one person), but I keep telling myself it will be better when I say something that I prefer people don't read (like my last post).

Anyway, just wanted to touch base and say "Way to Go!" (I'm sure you've done something amazing lately, and maybe it hasn't been acknowledged.

Your Blogging Buddy,
...Blogging Buddy