Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be.... #9

Three weeks from Friday I leave for ACPA.

I just scheduled my third interview. That's it. 3 interviews.

I can slowly feel my inner workings starting to switch into high panic mode. I'm getting reassurance across the board that this is what happens and then the week before (or even once you get there) ACPA employers are like, "Wha? I have to go interview people? OMG we need candidates!!!" Then you get a million emails from all over the place and suddenly your schedule is full. I'm trying to believe that. I really, really am. It just seems too unorganized for me to completely buy into. But what do I know? I'm just a soon-to-be-unemployed grad student :/

In the past week I've sent out a load of emails to ACPA employers, with more to go out as soon as I start nosing around the site again. I'm disheartened by the lack of response by some people. I'd take even a "Thanks, but no thanks" at this point. The people that respond within HOURS of my email are what make me happy. Like the institution that did that on a SUNDAY. And I'll tell you what, while I am obviously interested in said institution and the position that they have open, I'm definitely taking a closer look now that I've seen how prompt they are.

Of course, I'm guilty of this same thing. I have a request to interview sitting in my inbox since last week. I haven't responded yet, but it's on my list of things to do. You know, if I ever figure out if I want to accept the interview or not. This is a more of a mental battle than anything else - the school is amazing. Literally, it's the type of place that I had already thought about months ago and went "Wow. Working at a place like THAT would be the best thing since sliced bread." The downside (cause there always is) is that it's not in my geographic area I'm looking in (well, as much as you can say that I have a "geographic area" that's limiting me). And when I mean "not in my geographic area" I mean that this place is really nowhere in the vicinity of it that I feel like I can't even try and justify being there. Mark down another job search dilemma to the list....

Also found out that I've been passed up on one of the positions I phone interviewed for. It was the first one, the one that I knew went a little iffy. I'm not sad about it.....I don't know how I feel. Just sort of accepting and ready to move on to more interviews and opportunities.

I'm hoping my interviewing skills will be better than my gardening skills. Last week I bought this beautiful plant with all these bright purple flowers. Seemed perfect for me, maintenance wise - moderate water and sunlight needed. The plant and I were coexisting nicely until it suddenly collapsed on itself sometime yesterday between 8:30 and 5:30. About 98% of the plant died, and I have no idea what caused it. I'm hoping I can revive the remaining 2%. Perhaps the plant couldn't take the disarray that surrounds it :)

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