Thursday, April 3, 2008

Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be.... #15

I survived ACPA 2008.
They should give everyone who goes through placement a t-shirt with this slogan. We deserve it.

All in all, placement was a huge success. Even if something happened and nothing came from all of my interviews, I would still be satisfied. I definitely got plenty of interview experience and I learned (very quickly) how to answer different questions. I got to experience a degree of anxiety that I didn't know existed, and I learned what points about my experience to highlight.

I ended up interviewing with 11 different institutions and I did 2 second interviews. I had amazing experiences and then I also had the ones that completely left me in shock with the level of unprofessionalism. It's amazing the types of things that you encounter in these situations. I've seen (and also heard of) interviewers staring around the room while a candidate is talking. Doodling. Not writing anything. Having no pen or paper to even think about using to write with. Yawning. I definitely got a good lesson in interviewing skills for when I'm on the other side of the table.

I had the pleasure of finding an amazing institution that has everything I'm looking for. It's quickly jumped to be my #1 choice, and I'm fairly confident that I'll get an invite for an on-campus interview. There were other places that also caught my attention, and now I have a list of 5 or 6 institutions that I would love to take a closer look at. I keep reminding myself that there are other jobs outside of ACPA that I've also applied for, and I have other interviews coming up in the future. I didn't think that I'd find anything out of this process, at least nothing to the level of success that I feel I've reached. I'm a lucky one - many others from my program didn't have nearly of the level of satisfaction that I experienced.

There were a few positions that my friends and I both applied to, not finding out until we got there that we were both interviewing. I'm proud that, at least publicly, no one seemed to have a problem with it. There still doesn't seem to be a high level of competition among us, and it definitely makes it a lot more fun. Being able to see one another and talk and joke around helped keep everyone a bit more sane.

Now I play the waiting game. I sent off some follow-up emails this morning, but I know that it could be another week or so before I hear from some places. I'm hoping that those who are very interested move quickly - I would love to be to keep my job search energy high and ride the wave of adrenaline I still have from placement. Higher Ed isn't a very fast-moving field, and so I'm prepared to wait it out. I just hope I don't have to wait very long.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

congrats on surviving! I'm just starting my applications for HD positions and I have a headache already!