Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be.... #6

I had a mental meltdown yesterday.

It's all starting to weigh on me and I completely went postal yesterday afternoon. My gripes about my internship became too much to handle and I decided to succomb to the breakdown that was building. So I freaked out on my best friend and my mom, sent some emails, and I'm starting to finally float back to Earth. At least before it was just quiet panic attacks about time management and organization. This is my first complete, no holds barred, freak out of the semester. I hope to not have very many more.

Eeriely enough, after making my last post about not having any new job search info to report...I heard some news! I got a call for another phone interview for a different position. The amusing part is that it's at the SAME institution that I interviewed with before. At least I know they must like me there :) I applied for about 4 more positions over the weekend. What's left to do now is starting my focus on the ACPA Placement. I'm still a little in the dark as to how to go about doing all of this. I've posted my resume and updated my info on my candidate profile....I suppose I should now start directly sending stuff to the contacts of the positions that I like. I can't believe that it's just about one month away. I can't believe that spring break is right around the corner and that the semester is nearly half over. Time is flying by - just as everyone promised.

It seems my blogging pal (and hopefully all of you lovely readers) who attended the placement this past week had wonderful interviews and made some good connections. My excitement for my own placement is building, but much of it is for the warm weather that will be there. As I sit here and stare out a snowy world I wonder if it'll ever get warm again. I was fortunate to attend the Joint Conference last year - warm and sunny Florida was a fantastic change from the winter weather....but I was quickly brought back to reality when I arrived back home to cold and snowy weather. Curses to these differences in climate!

Cross your fingers that I'll have a good interview this week. Not that the other one was necessarily bad, just not what I expected. I'm hoping for good things from this one. It could definitely spice up things up - in a very good way :)


Anonymous said...

Why have you decided to go to a national conference placement like ACPA? Have you gotten any leads from participating in that as opposed to just checking out posts on studentaffairs.com, higheredjobs, chronicle, local newspapers, etc.?
You said you went to the Joint Conference last year. What was that like? Did you learn anything about job searching there? Is you school helping pay for you to go to these things?

Good luck on the interview this week!! Do you do anything to prepare youself for these phone interviews?

Anonymous said...

Great choice to go to the national conference. The interviewing experience will be something you will remember forever. Plus, it gives you a chance to network and enjoy making new professional contacts. National conferences can be cost prohibitive but they are a great place to feel as strong sense of belonging to the "this is what I wanna be" profession. Have fun.