Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Great Fishbowl Quest #4

Dear Potential Employers,

I appreciate your enthusiasm in contacting me in regards to the career opportunities that you have available at your institutions. Please keep in mind, dear Employers, that I share your enthusiasm; nothing fills my heart with greater joy than an inbox full of potential interviews. What I ask you to understand, though, is that I do not have the ability to dedicate all of my time to the job search process. The very reasons that you are interested in considering me as a candidate are the same reasons that I cannot reply instantaneously to your e-mails. I am trying to obtain the Master's degree we would both like for me to achieve and perform my current position with excellence and integrity.

I understand that these placement exchanges are quickly approaching and you are looking to make the most of these opportunities. As a candidate, I can assure you that our inboxes are filling at a much quicker rate and will likely continue to do so until these exchanges occur. Because of this, it is likely that my response time may slow by a matter of a few minutes.

In closing, I appreciate the effort you have put into recruiting me. I also hope to interview with you in the very near future, assuming that both of our schedules still permit.


P.S. In your excitement to contact me, there have been a few errors in some of our correspondence. I am quite accepting of this issue, and only point it out in hopes that you will share my ability to overlook a simple mistake if I happen to do the same.


Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your honest feedback in regards to establishing interview schedules at these exchanges. While we understand the multiple roles you are currently playing at your institution, we’re intent on finding the right professionals to fill our open positions. Please understand that you may take your time in responding; you just may not like the options available to you if you decide that you want an interview.

Potential Employers

P.S. In your excitement to contact others, we are waiting to find out if you are even interested in us. Seriously. E-mail us and let us know.

P.P.S. You are free to make as many simple mistakes as you would like. We will simply choose to hire those who make the decision not to make any. Good luck in your search!


Anonymous said...

Well... as a fellow job seeker... thanks for the anxiety attack...

Anonymous said...

In the South, they call that being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've come up with my own scenario...

Being stuck between the butt-cheeks of Satan.